Behind every big idea or big question about what's possible for cancer research and treatment are hundreds of hours logged in the lab by trainees, faculty members, and research staff.
Enabling success for this generation and the next
Innovative, collaborative individuals with a can-do attitude form the nucleus of the Koch Institute. Our researchers hail from many disciplines and backgrounds, and their department and program affiliations create connections all over MIT. Flexible endowments help us recruit and retain this diverse and competitive research workforce. Koch Institute donors have the opportunity to support pioneering researchers at various stages of their careers, from graduate student to full professor.
Graduate Student Fellowship | Postdoctoral Fellowship
Career Development Professor | Full Professor
Naming the Director’s position, this endowment supports direct expenses of the Director’s Office and funds research, education, programming, and other initiatives at the Director’s discretion.
To find out more about gifts to support our faculty, trainees, and leadership, contact Karen Sveda, Managing Director of Development at ksveda@mit.edu or (617) 324-7399.