Whether celebrating the present with friends and family, marking a shared past, or creating a legacy for the future, gifts to the Koch Institute have far-reaching impacts.
Make yours a name we know
We’re conscious every day of the people and stories behind the work we do. After all, many of us have been touched by cancer too. Endowed or expendable gift funds may be named for you, your family, or your loved one, and will have a lasting impact on cancer research at MIT.
5 years cancer free. 10 years since graduating MIT. 25 years with someone special. Celebrate life’s milestones with a gift that fits the significance of the occasion and feels good to give or receive. Gifts in any amount may be made in honor of a special person or occasion, like a birthday, anniversary, class reunion, or other milestone.
A memorial gift is a tribute to someone we’ve lost. At the Koch Institute, it’s also a gesture that signifies hope and enables action to defeat cancer. Whether a memorial gift creates a new fund in your loved one’s name or supports existing Koch Institute programs, it’s a remembrance with impact.
Should you wish to include information in an obituary to direct memorial gifts to cancer research at MIT, we offer the following sample wording:
In lieu of flowers, gifts may be made to MIT’s Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research, in memory of [individual’s name].
Contribute via MIT’s giving website or mail a check to:
Becca Hoff
Donor Relations Coordinator, Koch Institute
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue, 76-158
Cambridge, MA 02139
Create a legacy for yourself or a loved one that embodies your values and keeps you connected to MIT, yet ultimately serves people everywhere. Whether you’re looking for options that provide income during your lifetime, or considering a will or bequest, your gift will enable strategic and transformative advances against cancer.
Contact Us
To find out more about how you can make an impact contact Karen Sveda, Managing Director of Development at ksveda@mit.edu or (617) 324-7399.